Tag Archive for: credit card

5 Ways To Think About Time

It was my goal when I started this blog that I would be able to help others become more organized and productive. I hope that if you’re using the tips and tricks on this blog, you’ve started saving a lot of time!

It can be so easy to use that extra time to get a jump start on the next day, start a new project, or shorten your to-do list, but I’ve realized recently that that “extra” time isn’t really extra at all. I’m going through some pretty exciting changes (we just closed on an apartment – yay!) and as I prepare to leave some old things behind to make way for the new, I’ve noticed a few important things about time:

1. Time is ephemeral – once it’s gone, it’s gone for good and you can’t save a single second for later use. When you decide to put your goals, your dreams, or the things that make you happy on hold for later, unfortunately time won’t save up until you’re ready. Read more

Fab Find: PocketSuite Connects You With Small Businesses Nearby

A friend of mine is getting married and has been really into getting fit before the big day! I wanted to get her personal training as an engagement gift, but I don’t live near her so I struggled researching nearby gyms and reading several conflicting reviews on the internet. It was important to me to find the right person for her because I didn’t want to waste my money or her time. Then I discovered PocketSuite, the app that would solve my dilemma!

PocketSuite is designed to connect freelancers, personal assistants, trainers, and small business owners with clients in their area. The app helps you find professionals based on your location for a wide variety of services. Simply sign up, attach a credit card to your account, and then PocketSuite handles:

  • Scheduling Appointments – The app maintains a calendar of appointments, making it easy for you to find the best available appointment time for your busy schedule. Read more

Fab Find: Stop Waiting On Hold With Fast Customer

As far as annoying things go — waiting on hold is right at the top of the list. It can literally take hours out of your life that you will never get back. Talk about being unproductive — well, luckily there is another way and it’s my Fab Find.

I recently had to call customer service to report a duplicate charge on my credit card. Instead of being aggravated and waiting on hold, I tried out a new app called FastCustomer. It does the waiting for you! Skip the menus and bad hold music – with a few taps you can choose what business you need to speak to and then sip coffee, check email, whatever – a representative will call you when the wait time is over!

It works for major companies like American Express, Bank of America, 1800 Flowers, insurance companies and even airlines. It is really a great way to outsource a necessary but irritating task. When I used it — the app called me back and I waited an additional three minutes for a representative. I think that’s time well spent.

Think about all the things you can do while someone else is waiting on hold for you!

1. Read a few articles on ListProducer.com for a more productive day

2. Clean out your email inbox Read more

Fab Find For Good: PaperKarma

You know how it is — you come home, bring in the mail and sift through tons of unwanted ads, credit card deals, flyers and magazines for things you’ll never buy. This paper waste takes up precious counter space and also head space as you sift through it all. It’s so annoying! Sometimes it can sit around for weeks before you can “deal” with it all.

About a month ago, I discovered the solution – PaperKarma. This fabulous little app lets you snap a picture of your junk mail and then they contact the mailer and remove you from their distribution list. Easy, right? That’s why it’s my “Fab Find“this week – because what good are fabulous things if you don’t share them?

I’ve made about 15 requests so far with this app and only one took more than a few seconds to be successful. The nice thing about this app is that they follow up with you because sometimes it can take a few weeks for companies to take you off of their lists. It’s been a great tool that I’ve now made part of my mail-reading routine. I simply open my mail and scan the stuff I don’t want to get any more. Done. Read more

App Makes Life Easier and Delivers On Demand

wunWhile I love my to-do list, sometimes it gets really overwhelming to try to accomplish so much in one day. I’ve posted about limiting your to-do list before, but sometimes it just is not possible to cut your list down. That’s why I love apps where you can outsource your errands!

Unlike TaskRabbit which allows you to hire someone to assemble furniture or deliver groceries, the Wun-Wun app exclusively offers deliveries. With this app you can have anything you want delivered to you anywhere in Manhattan!

Sign up with a credit card and phone number and with a few taps one of their 200 helpers is on his way. Most deliveries are free (the app itself costs $0.99) but restaurant and coffee deliveries cost $20.

Just for fun, here is a list of ways you can use the Wun-Wun app:

1. Have someone else do your grocery shopping while you binge-watch “Breaking Bad”
2. Have wine delivered to your apartment while cooking for a dinner party
3. Have deodorant delivered while at the gym
4. Have your picnic brought to you in Central Park
5. Have medicine delivered to your door when you’re home with a cold

The best part is you never have to pay cash (or leave your couch) and the tip is included. The possibilities are endless really. Once you start outsourcing your life — you’ll find that you have much more time to do the things you really love!

Wun-Wun via The App Store $0.99