Tag Archive for: Senses

Tricks To Remember Something Before You Forget It

remember-1-1210334-mYou are only as good as your list. So if your list is missing a few items, you’re in trouble!

Lists are there to jog your memory, so how can you remember something if you didn’t write it down? Sometimes we can be talking to friends and then we have an “Aha” moment, and we remember a task we’ve forgotten. Often it’s completely unrelated to the topic being discussed.

Below are some tips to help you have more “aha” moments!

Put Up Post-It Notes – Is there a task you’re supposed to do regularly, but still manage to forget? Stick a Post-It note in places you often see but won’t ignore.  Make it a place that is kind of in your way so you don’t just overlook it.  Sure the bathroom mirror is a fine place but you might just use the other side of the mirror.  Instead put it on a door handle or  in the cutlery draw so you have to physically move it to use that item. Plus the bonus is the more you remind yourself the harder it is to avoid that task. Read more

How to Take a Break and Get Stuff Done

(Photo Credit: www.Shutterstock.com)

(Photo Credit: www.shutterstock.com)

Most days I’m so concerned with my lists and getting things done that when I do have some down time, I freeze.  I think, “Shouldn’t I be doing something? There’s got to be something I can do right now.”  I forget that it’s OK to just do nothing and not have something planned out for every second of every day.

On this blog I talk a lot about taking regular breaks. However, when you’re feeling busy and rushed off your feet — I get that it can be tough to take a moment to slow down. Most of us eat lunch at our desk or read emails while we make coffee and we feel as though we have to be accountable for every minute. But this frenzied work ethic can actually be harmful to your productivity. It’s time to join me and give yourself permission to relax during those down moments.  It’s amazing how much of a boost in your efficiency you’ll feel if you just take it easy on yourself.

Because I can’t do anything — even taking a break — without a list, here are some ideas for you: Read more